The Best Way to Store Electronic Components in Drawer Storage

Most people accumulate a large selection of tech device and electronic components over the course of their lives, and it can be so confusing to know how to get rid of them that they are shoved in a cabinet or draw. The good news is that with some realistic planning and a little bit of time draw storage for electronic components can be achieved without resulting in complete disarray.

The Best Way to Store Electronic Components in Drawer Storage
The Best Way to Store Electronic Components in Drawer Storage

There are a number of strategies that can be employed in order to organise and store your tech devices and electronics.


One good tip is to designate one location as your primary storage space for electronics and associated cords such as a cabinet, desk drawer or some other form of draw storage.

Accessibility and convenience need to be priorities when it comes to choosing this location. For instance, those who routinely back up their computer several times a week should store their backup device at their desk rather than in the back of a closet somewhere.

It is important to make sure that the amount of space that is given to this type of storage should be finite in order to limit the number of old or unused electronics that you end up accumulating.

Type of use and device

Electronics should be sorted by category, such as day to day essentials, computer equipment, travel devices, backup materials, household tech or items that are miscellaneous in nature.

The next step should be to ensure that every device is matched up with its corresponding accessories, cords or chargers in order to cut down on clutter and make sure that the required equipment to run a device is always on hand.

Each category of electronic components can then be sorted into their own container, which each one given an appropriate identifying label. Taking organisation to the next level would be to also place smaller items such as earphones, outlet adaptors and flash drives in cloth drawstring bags, ensuring that they too are correctly labelled.

There are a number of simple tricks that can keep electronic cords neat, including making use of common household items such as a twist tie to ensure they do not become damaged or tangled.

Make efficiency and safety priorities

Storing electronic components in the right way will also ensure they are preserved in the best condition. Devices should be stored in an environment that is dry, not excessively hot and is not in direct sunlight. This can be usually be achieved by making use of draw storage.

Potentially hazardous items such as ink cartridges and batteries should be taken out of their devices as they can be a fire hazard or spill and result in irreversible damage to electronic components.

Keep an inventory

Once your electronic components have been organised an inventory list should be created of all of that equipment and other gadgets. The same categories used during the organisation should be used and include details such as model number, purchase date and serial number when possible.

Making the best use of draw storage to ensure electronic components are stored correctly is both safe and efficient.

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About the Matthew Lopez

Matthew Lopez is a web geek and tech blogger, He's primarily interested in latest gadget, online software review, and share latest tech news.

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